Good morning students, teachers, parents, friends, Carmel VIPs, guests and, of course, our Year 12 valedictorians. A valedictory is a farewell address. It denotes the end of something – in this case, the end of your time at AVѧԺ. But it also denotes a beginning - it’s an end and a beginning. It’s the beginning of the next episode of your lives – lives which I am confi ...

It is at times like this that one realises the awesomeness of the people around them. I am in the lucky position of being surrounded by people who have this week shown their compassion, their resilience and their resolve. I have felt privileged to have worked this week with leaders at our school who have led with dignity and strength. I have worked with students who have contin ...

The end of Term 3 is upon us and looking back, it has been an extremely busy term. As I write this, our Year 12 students are in the throes of their exams and we have been really impressed with the way in which they have conducted themselves – their outlook was described to me yesterday as “cool, calm and collected”. Although I do understand that this outward calm may not always ...

The wisdom of youth... I always feel great pride during school assemblies. Last week we enjoyed a Founders’ Day assembly in which we honoured the late Dr Harry Hoffman AM obm and heard from his daughter Sue, about his life and the huge difference he made. We also recognised students’ efforts and contributions in our Colours and Honours assembly, which highlighted the opportuni ...

I lost sleep earlier this week after reading an article by some educationalists I have long admired, whose article entitled “The Future of AI in Education: 13 things we can do to minimize the damage” caused me great concern. I have previously confessed to a lack of any great interest in information technology. However, Chat GPT has been a revelation to me and I have thoroughly ...

Balanced Debate I was very impressed with the students’ presentations in this week’s High School assembly. Year 10 students prepared talks to illustrate both sides of the debate around the Indigenous Voice to Parliament referendum that has caused so much discussion in recent months. It was a great opportunity for me to talk to the students about the responsibility they will e ...

Opportunities This week was proof again that anyone who fears a small school has fewer opportunities for its students need not worry. The Parents and Friends Quiz Night on Sunday was a triumph – twenty tables of fiercely competitive community members vying for a prestigious first place, plus a successful raffle and silent auction to help raise funds for Menora Foundation. The ...

The importance of sleep One thing that is often commented on by staff and students alike is that they sleep better during the holidays. I suppose this isn’t entirely unexpected, but a lack of sleep has significant effects on performance and I know that sleep can be elusive for some. As we embark on Term 3 and focus on supporting our students to learn as effectively as they can ...

The first week back at school is always a shock, having to get up early in the morning and put on school clothes, but it has been lovely to see everybody back on campus – a school is a very different and less vibrant place when there are no students around. The term has started with a bang and there have been multiple reasons for me to be a proud Principal. We started with a H ...

Term 2 at AVѧԺ has been fabulous. This week’s final High School assembly emphasised how busy we have been when speakers listed the opportunities and events we have enjoyed together. Highlights of the term include the amazing talents on show at Sunday night’s music soiree, when performers from the Year 6 scholarship band, a number of High School bands, OKC’s and a surpr ...